Source code for km3dq_common.common_library

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Various functions used in km3dq_lw_dq and km3dq_core scripts
# Developer: Benjamin Trocme (benjamin.trocme at - 2023

import os
import sys
import time
import array
import re
import urllib.request
import km3db

from km3dq_common.config_library import configure_var_bit
from km3dq_common.config_library import configure_var_thresholds
from km3dq_common.config_library import get_detx_caract
from km3dq_common.config_library import configure_dataquality_tag
from km3dq_common.config_library import WEEKLY_DETECTORS
from km3dq_common.lw_db_defect_library import read_defect_file
from km3dq_common.lw_db_library import decode_defect_diag_byte

[docs] def get_file_paths(dataset, qaqc_proc_version, runnumber=0, jra_proc=""): """ For a given dataset / detector, returns the path for various files: JMonitor, JDataQuality, JRunAnalyzer The run number and jra_proc are relevant only for the JRunAnalyzer files jra_proc: - priv: analysis level = 1, patches to TH2D coding to recompute the mean/RMS of PMT rates """ filename = {} det_id = get_det_id(dataset) if det_id < 100: det_id_str = f"000000{det_id}" else: det_id_str = f"00000{det_id}" # JDataMonitor file if dataset == "D0ARCA021": filename['JDataMonitorName'] = ("/sps/km3net/repo/data_processing/tag/" "v8.1/data_processing/DataQuality/" "KM3NeT_00000133_Monitor_Jpp_v17.3.2" ".root") # QAQC file stored on sps qaqc_sps = "/sps/km3net/repo/data/raw/quality/" filename['JQAQC_sps'] = qaqc_sps \ + f"KM3NeT_{det_id_str}_QAQC_Jpp_{qaqc_proc_version}.txt" # QAQC file stored on sftp qaqc_htpps = "" filename['JQAQC_sftp'] = qaqc_htpps \ + f"KM3NeT_{det_id_str}_QAQC_Jpp_{qaqc_proc_version}.txt" # JDataQuality file - Processing by BT, available on sps dq_file_path_bt = "/sps/km3net/users/trocme/Output-JDataQuality/" dataquality_suffix = qaqc_proc_version.split(".", 1)[0] filename['JDataQualityName'] = dq_file_path_bt\ + f"{dataset}/KM3NeT_{det_id_str}_QAQC_Jpp_{dataquality_suffix}.root" # JRA file - Private BT processing - One file per run jra_file_path_bt = "/sps/km3net/users/trocme/Output-JRunAnalyzer/" if runnumber != 0: if jra_proc == "priv": filename['JRAName'] = \ f"{jra_file_path_bt}{dataset}/JRA-{runnumber:.0f}.root" else: # Official production filename['JRAName'] = ("/sps/km3net/repo/data/raw/quality/" f"KM3NeT_{det_id_str}/" f"JRA_KM3NeT_{det_id_str}_000{runnumber}" ".root") if os.path.exists(filename['JRAName']) is False: filename['JRAName'] = "Not found" return filename
[docs] def get_run_properties_from_db(det, filt="PHYS"): """ Retrieve run properties from the database with the km3db package """ sds = runs = sds.runs(detid=get_det_id(det)) lines = runs.split("\n") # Extract the available data variable_list = lines[0].split("\t") nb_variables = len(variable_list) regex = r"([0-9]+)" for i_var in range(nb_variables-1): regex += r"\t(.*)" regex += "$" reg_line = re.compile(regex) results = {} for i_line in lines: r_p = if r_p: if filt not in continue run_nb = int( results[run_nb] = {} for i_var in range(2, nb_variables+1): results[run_nb][variable_list[i_var-1]] = return results
[docs] def get_run_properties_from_qaqc(dataset, dq_tag, origin="qaqc_sftp", startrun=0, endrun=1e9): """ For a given dataset/detector, returns the run numbers, their lengths, time counter... A dataset may be restricted to a user-defined run range When using the create_ttree_from_qaqc function, a check on the QAQC file is performed Source: QAQC file or JDataQualityFile """ from ROOT import TFile runprop = {"runNumber": [], "lvt": [], "lvt_counter": [], "kty": [], "kty_counter": [], "nbRuns": 0, "minRun": 1e10, "maxRun": 0} dataset_time_counter = 0. scale_sec_days = 1/3600./24. kty_counter = 0 err_log = "" if origin == "jdq": # Source: JDataquality filename_jdq = get_file_paths(dataset, "")["JDataQualityName"] assert(filename_jdq != "Missing"), \ print("Missing DataQuality file - " "Can not retrieve the run properties") f_dq = TFile(filename_jdq) n1_tree = f_dq.Get("n1") elif "qaqc" in origin: # Source: QAQC file on sftp # QAQC default tag used. As priori OK for this purpose (n1_tree, err_log) = create_ttree_from_qaqc(dataset, ["run", "livetime", "kton_year"], origin, dq_tag) entries = n1_tree.GetEntriesFast() for jentry in range(entries): n1_tree.GetEntry(jentry) # Load event if ( < startrun) or ( > endrun): continue runprop["runNumber"].append( if origin == "JDataQuality": run_length = n1_tree.a else: run_length = n1_tree.livetime runprop["lvt"].append(run_length*scale_sec_days) runprop["lvt_counter"].append(dataset_time_counter) runprop["kty"].append(n1_tree.kton_year) runprop["kty_counter"].append(kty_counter) dataset_time_counter = dataset_time_counter + run_length*scale_sec_days kty_counter = kty_counter + n1_tree.kton_year runprop["nbRuns"] = runprop["nbRuns"] + 1 if < runprop["minRun"]: runprop["minRun"] = if > runprop["maxRun"]: runprop["maxRun"] = # Add the last time counter to define TH1 with a vector if len(runprop["lvt_counter"]) > 0: runprop["lvt_counter"].append(runprop["lvt_counter"][-1] + runprop["lvt"][-1]) if len(runprop["kty_counter"]) > 0: runprop["kty_counter"].append(runprop["kty_counter"][-1] + runprop["kty"][-1]) if origin == "JDataQuality": f_dq.Close() return (runprop, err_log)
[docs] def get_last_n_weeks_runs_qaqc(dataset, nweeks=2): """ Extract the all runs acquired in the last nweeks of running """ # QAQC default tag used. As priori OK for this purpose dq_tag = configure_dataquality_tag("default") lines = read_qaqc_file(dataset, "qaqc_sftp", dq_tag['qaqc_vers'][dataset]) min_run = 1e9 max_run = 0 first_line = True for i in lines: i_split = i.split(" ") if first_line: run_number_index = i_split.index("run") utc_min_s_index = i_split.index("UTCMin_s") first_line = False else: if len(i_split) > utc_min_s_index: ten_days = (nweeks * 7 + 1) * 3600. * 24. if (time.time() - float(i_split[utc_min_s_index])) < ten_days: run_number = int(i_split[run_number_index]) if run_number < min_run: min_run = run_number if run_number > max_run: max_run = run_number return (min_run, max_run)
[docs] def get_full_detector_name(options, key="detector"): """ Get the full detector name with the prefix (D0, D_...) when there is no ambiguity The input is the options dict. NB: options['detector'] can be either a single list either a list of detector/strings. """ names = {"D0ARCA009": ["ARCA009", "ARCA9"], "D0ARCA020": ["ARCA020", "ARCA20"], "D0ARCA021": ["ARCA021", "ARCA21"], "D0ARCA028": ["ARCA028", "ARCA28"], "D_ORCA006": ["ORCA006", "ORCA6"], "D0ORCA007": ["ORCA007", "ORCA7"], "D0ORCA010": ["ORCA010", "ORCA10"], "D0ORCA011": [], "D1ORCA011": [], "D1ORCA013": ["ORCA013", "ORCA13"], "D0ORCA015": [], "D1ORCA015": [], "D0ORCA018": ["ORCA018"], "D1ORCA019": ["ORCA019"], "D0ORCA023": ["ORCA023"]} # A and O are used to refer to the current detector names[WEEKLY_DETECTORS["ARCA"]].append("A") names[WEEKLY_DETECTORS["ORCA"]].append("O") # Single detector if isinstance(options[key], str): if options[key] not in names: full_name_found = False for i, name in names.items(): for j in name: if options[key] == j: options[key] = i print(f"I am redefining the detector name as {i}") full_name_found = True if not full_name_found: print("Ambiguous %s detector. Please use the full " + "name D*ORCA*** or D*ARCA***") sys.exit() # List of detectors elif isinstance(options[key], list): for k in range(0, len(options[key])): if options[key][k] not in names: full_name_found = False for i, name in names.items(): for j in name: if options[key][k] == j: options[key][k] = i print(f"I am redefining the detector name as {i}") full_name_found = True if not full_name_found: print(f"Ambiguous {options['detector'][k]} detector." f"Please use the full" f"name D*ORCA*** or D*ARCA***") sys.exit()
[docs] def get_det_id(dataset): """ Return the detector id """ det_id = {"D0ARCA009": 94, "D0ARCA020": 116, "D0ARCA021": 133, "D0ARCA028": 160, "D_ORCA006": 49, "D0ORCA007": 110, "D0ORCA010": 100, "D1ORCA013": 117, "D0ORCA011": 123, "D1ORCA011": 132, "D0ORCA015": 138, "D1ORCA015": 146, "D0ORCA018": 148, "D1ORCA019": 172, "D0ORCA023": 196} return det_id[dataset]
[docs] def get_site(det): """ Returns the site (ORCA or ARCA) """ if "ORCA" in det: out = "ORCA" else: out = "ARCA" return out
[docs] def get_active_dus_range(det): """ Retrieve the range of DU active """ lower_du = 0 upper_du = {"D0ARCA009": 32, "D0ARCA020": 32, "D0ARCA021": 32, "D0ARCA028": 32, "D_ORCA006": 32, "D0ORCA007": 32, "D0ORCA010": 32, "D1ORCA013": 32, "D0ORCA011": 32, "D1ORCA011": 32, "D0ORCA015": 32, "D1ORCA015": 32, "D0ORCA018": 32, "D1ORCA019": 42, "D0ORCA023": 42} return (lower_du, upper_du[det])
[docs] def get_nb_qaqc_variables(qaqc_vers): """ Retrieve the number of variables in the QAQC file NB: in a near future, the det argument should be replaced by a Jpp version === Arguments === - det : detector name - [string] - Ex: "D0ARCA021", "D0ORCA018"... === Output === - Number of QAQC variables """ if "v16.0.3" in qaqc_vers: return 39 if "v17.3.2" in qaqc_vers: return 42 return 45
[docs] def create_ttree_from_qaqc(det, var_to_fill, source, tag, append_veto_qsco=False): """ Create a ttree from qaqc sftp file and defect variables stored on git It includes some advanced check about the QAQC file integrity. === Arguments === - det : detector name - [string] - Ex: "D0ARCA021", "D0ORCA018"... - var_to_fill : QAQC variables or defect to fill - [array of string] - Ex: ['run', 'timestampdiff', 'def_operation', 'def_oos'] - source : QAQC source, a priori "qaqc_sftp" - [string] - tag : data-quality tag (not its name) as created by configure_dataquality_tag - append_veto_qsco: append the veto and Qscore - [boolean] === Output === - TTree - Error log """ from ROOT import TTree error_log = "" # Correspondance between the name in the QAQC file (first line) and the # variable name in the script # In the case of empty variable, this corresponds to "composite" variable # derived from the primary variables with an explicit computation in the # function variable_name_corresp = {"git": "GIT", "jpp": "JPP", "nb_of_meta": "nb_of_meta", "uuid": "UUID", "detectorid": "detector", "run": "run", "livetime": "livetime_s", "utcmin": "UTCMin_s", "utcmax": "UTCMax_s", "trigger3dmuon": "trigger3DMuon", "trigger3dshower": "trigger3DShower", "triggermxshower": "triggerMXShower", "triggernb": "triggerNB", "writel0": "writeL0", "writel1": "writeL1", "writel2": "writeL2", "writesn": "writeSN", "jdaqtimeslice": "JDAQTimeslice", "jdaqtimeslicel0": "JDAQTimesliceL0", "jdaqtimeslicel1": "JDAQTimesliceL1", "jdaqtimeslicel2": "JDAQTimesliceL2", "jdaqtimeslicesn": "JDAQTimesliceSN", "jdaqsummaryslice": "JDAQSummaryslice", "jdaqevent": "JDAQEvent", "jtriggerreprocessor": "JTriggerReprocessor", "jtrigger3dshower": "JTrigger3DShower", "jtriggermxshower": "JTriggerMXShower", "jtrigger3dmuon": "JTrigger3DMuon", "jtriggernb": "JTriggerNB", "in_sync": "in_sync", "oos": "out_sync", "daq": "DAQ", "whiterabbitstatus": "WR", "hrv": "HRV", "fifo": "FIFO", "pmts": "PMTs", "meanrate": "MEAN_Rate_Hz", "rmsrate": "RMS_Rate_Hz", "hrv_fifo_failures": "hrv_fifo_failures", "duplic_timeslices": "duplic_timeslices", "Acoustics": "Acoustics", "AHRS": "AHRS", "in_usync": "in_usync", "out_usync": "out_usync", "event_duration": "event_duration", "timestampdiff": "", "timestampdiff_r": "", "triggerrate": "", "pmts_norm": "", "acoustics": "", "ahrs_per_mn": "", "JDAQJTProc": "", "kton_year": ""} if len(var_to_fill) == 0: var_to_fill = list(variable_name_corresp.keys()) if tag["qaqc_vers"][det] == "v16.0.3": # Processing version 16: name change # 3 missing variables variable_name_corresp['oos'] = "out-sync" variable_name_corresp['in_sync'] = "in-sync" for i_missing in ["in_usync", "out_usync", "event_duration"]: variable_name_corresp[i_missing] = "MISSING" if i_missing in var_to_fill: var_to_fill.remove(i_missing) if any((tag["qaqc_vers"][det] == "v16.0.3", tag["qaqc_vers"][det] == "v17.3.2")): # Processing version 16/17: 3 other missing variables for i_missing in ["nb_of_meta", "hrv_fifo_failures", "duplic_timeslices"]: variable_name_corresp[i_missing] = "MISSING" if i_missing in var_to_fill: var_to_fill.remove(i_missing) variable_float = ["livetime", "daq", "whiterabbitstatus", "fifo", "hrv", "pmts", "pmts_norm", "timestampdiff", "timestampdiff_r", "triggerrate", "acoustics", "ahrs_per_mn", "JDAQJTProc", "kton_year"] var_properties = {} configure_var_thresholds(var_properties, det, tag) configure_var_bit(var_properties) new_tree = TTree("t1", "t1") lines = read_qaqc_file(det, source, tag['qaqc_vers'][det]) defect_results = read_defect_file(det, tag['def_tag']) # Define the regular expression for the QAQC file regex0 = r"" nb_qaqc_variables = get_nb_qaqc_variables(tag['qaqc_vers'][det]) for i in range(nb_qaqc_variables - 1): regex0 += r"\s*(\S+)\s+" regex0 += r"(\S+)\n*\Z" qaqc_pattern = re.compile(regex0) #################################################################### # Check the regular expression of the first line of the QAQC file to # retrieve the list of available variables qaqc_first_line = qaqc_pattern.match(lines[0]) if not qaqc_first_line: error_log += "Wrong regex for the list of variable of the QAQC file\n" error_log += "Exiting..." return (new_tree, error_log) var_list_qaqc = [] for i_var in range(1, nb_qaqc_variables + 1): var_list_qaqc.append( # var_list_qaqc = (lines[0].replace("\n", "")).split(" ") qaqc_index = {} var_value = {} ###################################################################### # Loop on all QAQC variables to fill, create all relevant branches and # associate them to the array used for tree filling. for i_var in var_to_fill: if i_var.startswith("def_") is True: continue # Defect variable are treated hereafter if variable_name_corresp[i_var] == "MISSING": # Missing variable (in v16 and v17 compared to v19) continue if any((variable_name_corresp[i_var] in var_list_qaqc, variable_name_corresp[i_var] == "")): if variable_name_corresp[i_var] in var_list_qaqc: qaqc_index[i_var] = var_list_qaqc\ .index(variable_name_corresp[i_var]) else: qaqc_index[i_var] = 1000 # Composite variable if i_var in variable_float: var_value[i_var] = array.array('f', [0.]) else: var_value[i_var] = array.array('i', [0]) if i_var in variable_float: new_tree.Branch(f"{i_var}", var_value[i_var], f"{i_var}/F") else: new_tree.Branch(f"{i_var}", var_value[i_var], f"{i_var}/i") else: err = (f"ERROR: {variable_name_corresp[i_var]}" f" not in QAQC fill -> Exiting") error_log = error_log + err if error_log != "": print(error_log) return (new_tree, error_log) ######################################################################## # Loop on all defect variables to fill, create all relevant branches and # associate them to the array used for tree filling. for i_var in var_to_fill: if i_var.startswith("def_") is False: continue # QAQC variable are treated herebefore var_value[i_var] = array.array('i', [0]) new_tree.Branch(f"{i_var}", var_value[i_var], f"{i_var}/i") ########################################### # Create the branch to fill the veto/Qscore if append_veto_qsco: for i_var in ("veto", "veto_source", "qsco_source"): var_value[i_var] = array.array('i', [0]) new_tree.Branch(f"{i_var}", var_value[i_var], f"{i_var}/i") var_value['qsco'] = array.array('f', [0]) new_tree.Branch("qsco", var_value['qsco'], "qsco/f") ####################################################################### # Extract the QAQC index of the QAQC variables used for the computation # of composite variables for i_var in ["UTCMax_s", "UTCMin_s", "livetime_s", "JDAQEvent", "PMTs", "Acoustics", "AHRS", "JTriggerReprocessor", "HRV"]: if i_var in var_list_qaqc: qaqc_index[i_var] = var_list_qaqc.index(i_var) else: err = f"Missing {i_var} in QAQC file" error_log = error_log + err qaqc_index[i_var] = -1 ##################################### # Loop on all runs to fill the arrays run_stored = [] for i_line in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[i_line] == "": continue qaqc_regex = qaqc_pattern.match(lines[i_line]) # Bad line format -> Line skipped if not qaqc_regex: error_log += ("QAQC line with a bad format:" f"{lines[i_line]}") error_log += "->Line skipped\n" if error_log != "": print(error_log) continue var_value_re = [] for i in range(1, nb_qaqc_variables + 1): var_value_re.append( # Run duplicated in QAQC file -> Line skipped run_number = var_value_re[qaqc_index["run"]] if run_number in run_stored: if f"Duplicated run {run_number}" not in error_log: error_log += f"Duplicated run {run_number} in QAQC file" error_log += "(1st occurence kept)\n" continue # Run with a zero livetime -> Line skipped livetime = float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["livetime_s"]]) if livetime == 0.: if f"Run {run_number} has a livetime = 0" not in error_log: error_log += f"Run {run_number} has a livetime = 0" continue # Filling the QAQC variable values for i_var in var_to_fill: if i_var.startswith("def_") is True: continue # Defect variable are treated hereafter if qaqc_index[i_var] < len(var_value_re): str_fl = var_value_re[qaqc_index[i_var]] if i_var in variable_float: try: var_value[i_var][0] = float(str_fl) except ValueError: err = (f"Corrupted variable in QAQC file: {i_var}\n " f"- {lines[i_line]}\n") error_log = error_log + (f"{err}\n") continue else: try: var_value[i_var][0] = int(str_fl.split(".")[0]) except ValueError: err = (f"Corrupted variable {i_var} found in qaqc file" f"- {lines[i_line]} -" "Variable skipped for this run") error_log += f"{err}\n" continue elif qaqc_index[i_var] == 1000: # Composite variable tmp_utcmax = float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["UTCMax_s"]]) tmp_utcmin = float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["UTCMin_s"]]) tmp_livetime = float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["livetime_s"]]) tmp_pmts = float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["PMTs"]]) tmp_JDAQEvent = float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["JDAQEvent"]]) tmp_Acoustics = float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["Acoustics"]]) tmp_AHRS = float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["AHRS"]]) tmp_JTriggerReprocessor = \ float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["JTriggerReprocessor"]]) tmp_kton_year = 6980 / (31 * 18 * 115) \ * float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["PMTs"]]) \ * (1 - float(var_value_re[qaqc_index["HRV"]])) \ * tmp_livetime / (365.2425 * 24 * 3600) if i_var == "timestampdiff": var_value[i_var][0] = (tmp_utcmax - tmp_utcmin)\ - tmp_livetime if i_var == "timestampdiff_r": var_value[i_var][0] = 1. - tmp_livetime / \ (tmp_utcmax - tmp_utcmin) if i_var == "pmts_norm": # NOT YET NORMALIZED :-( var_value[i_var][0] = tmp_pmts / \ get_detx_caract(det)['pmts'] elif i_var == "triggerrate": var_value[i_var][0] = tmp_JDAQEvent / tmp_livetime elif i_var == "acoustics": var_value[i_var][0] = tmp_Acoustics elif i_var == "ahrs_per_mn": var_value[i_var][0] = tmp_AHRS / tmp_livetime * 60 elif i_var == "JDAQJTProc": var_value[i_var][0] = \ (tmp_JDAQEvent - tmp_JTriggerReprocessor) / \ (tmp_JDAQEvent + 1.0e-10) elif i_var == "kton_year": var_value[i_var][0] = tmp_kton_year else: err = (f"Corrupted lines found in qaqc file - {lines[i_line]}" " - Line skipped") error_log = error_log + (f"{err}\n") # Filling the QAQC variable values for i_var in var_to_fill: if i_var.startswith("def_") is False: continue # QAQC variable are treated herebefore var_value[i_var][0] = 0 # No defect if int(run_number) in list(defect_results[i_var].keys()): var_value[i_var][0] = defect_results[i_var][int(run_number)] if append_veto_qsco: (var_value['veto'][0], var_value['veto_source'][0], var_value['qsco'][0], var_value['qsco_source'][0]) = \ compute_veto_qscore(var_properties, var_value) run_stored.append(run_number) new_tree.Fill() new_tree.ResetBranchAddresses() if error_log != "": print(error_log) return (new_tree, error_log)
[docs] def compute_veto_qscore(var_prop, var_val): """ Computes the veto/Q-score for a detector/tag using a QAQC source. """ veto = False veto_source = 0b0 qsco = 1. qsco_source = 0b0 for i_var in var_prop['veto_thresholds']: # Defect variables if i_var.startswith("def_"): # first extract the set defects decoded_defects = decode_defect_diag_byte(var_val[i_var][0], i_var) # Then loop on the various defects used in veto # Treatement of NOT. defect added on February, 2. Not fully tested. for i_excluded_def in var_prop['veto_thresholds'][i_var]: defect_test = False if i_excluded_def in decoded_defects: defect_test = True if i_excluded_def.startswith("NOT."): if i_excluded_def.replace("NOT.", "") not in decoded_defects: defect_test = True if defect_test: veto = True veto_source = veto_source | 0b1 << var_prop['bit'][i_var] continue # QAQC variables if any((var_val[i_var][0] < var_prop['veto_thresholds'][i_var][0], var_val[i_var][0] > var_prop['veto_thresholds'][i_var][1])): veto = True veto_source += 0b1 << var_prop['bit'][i_var] for i_var in var_prop['qsco_thresholds']: # Defect variables if i_var.startswith("def_"): # first extract the set defects decoded_defects = decode_defect_diag_byte(var_val[i_var][0], i_var) # Then loop on the various defects used in veto for i_excluded_def in var_prop['qsco_thresholds'][i_var]: if i_excluded_def in decoded_defects: qsco -= 1./float(len(var_prop['qsco_thresholds'])) qsco_source = qsco_source | 0b1 << var_prop['bit'][i_var] continue if any((var_val[i_var][0] < var_prop['qsco_thresholds'][i_var][0], var_val[i_var][0] > var_prop['qsco_thresholds'][i_var][1])): qsco -= 1./float(len(var_prop['qsco_thresholds'])) qsco_source += 0b1 << var_prop['bit'][i_var] return (int(veto), int(veto_source), qsco, int(qsco_source))
[docs] def log_run_range(det, run_0, run_1, log_file): """ Write the run range and run list on disk """ os.environ['TZ'] = 'Europe/Paris' time.tzset() run_prop = get_run_properties_from_db(det) if run_0 in run_prop.keys(): tim_0_unix = int(run_prop[run_0]['UNIXJOBSTART']) tim_0 = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M", time.localtime(tim_0_unix/1000)) else: tim_0 = "Unknown" if run_1 in run_prop.keys(): tim_1_unix = int(run_prop[run_1]['UNIXJOBEND']) tim_1 = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M", time.localtime(tim_1_unix/1000)) else: tim_1 = "Unknown" run_range = (f"{int(run_0)} ({tim_0} CET/CEST) - " f"{int(run_1)} ({tim_1} CET/CEST)") log_file.write(f"Run range: {run_range}\n")
[docs] def read_qaqc_file(det, source="qaqc_sftp", qaqc_proc_version=""): """ sftp QAQC file reading """ lines = [] if source == "qaqc_sftp": with urllib.request.urlopen( get_file_paths(det, qaqc_proc_version)["JQAQC_sftp"]) as qaqc: tmp = (("\n")) for i_line in tmp: if i_line != "": lines.append(i_line.decode("utf-8")) else: if source == "qaqc_sps": source_file = get_file_paths(det, qaqc_proc_version)["JQAQC_sps"] else: source_file = source with open(source_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as s_f: lines = s_f.readlines() return lines
[docs] def decode_source_byte(value, v_prop): """ Decode the source of degradation stored in the TTree NB: the source is either a QAQC variable either a defect type (("daq", "operation"...) """ from ROOT import TTree source_list = [] source_str = "" for (i_var, i_bit) in v_prop['bit'].items(): if (int(value) >> i_bit) & 1: source_list.append(i_var) source_str += f"{i_var} " return (source_list, source_str)