#! /usr/bin/env python
from km3dq_common.config_library import configure_dataquality_tag
from km3dq_common.config_library import configure_var_name
from km3dq_common.config_library import configure_var_bit
from km3dq_common.config_library import configure_var_thresholds
from km3dq_common.common_library import create_ttree_from_qaqc
from km3dq_common.lw_db_defect_library import decode_defect_diag_byte
import numpy as np
def get_good_run_list(det, dq_tag_name, add_info=[], qaqc_input="qaqc_sftp"):
Production of good run lists
=== Arguments ===
- det : detector name - [string] - Ex: "D0ARCA021", "D0ORCA018"...
- dq_tag_name : data-quality tag name - [string]
- add_info : list of additional informations (qaqc variables or defect)
to be retrieved in the same time as the GRL -
[array of strings] -
Ex: ["livetime", "def_operation/partly", "sign_off/run_coordinator"]
- source : QAQC source, a priori "qaqc_sftp" - [string]
=== Output ===
- GRL dictionnary including the additional info.
dq_tag_0 = configure_dataquality_tag(dq_tag_name)
grl_0 = {
"var_prop": {},
"good": {},
"poor": {},
"bad": {},
"discard": {},
"add_info": {},
configure_var_thresholds(grl_0["var_prop"], det, dq_tag_0)
# The TTree must contain:
# - the run number and livetime
# - the variables (QAQC + defects) used in the Veto / Qscore computation
# (required by create_ttree_from_qaqc)
# - the variables (QAQC + defects) used in the GRL generation
# - the additional variables to be reported
var_to_store = ["run", "livetime_s"]
var_to_store += list(grl_0["var_prop"]["veto_thresholds"].keys())
var_to_store += list(grl_0["var_prop"]["qsco_thresholds"].keys())
for i_q in ("good", "poor", "bad", "discard"):
var_to_store += list(grl_0["var_prop"][f"{i_q}_thresholds"].keys())
for i_var in add_info:
if i_var.startswith("def_"):
# Extract the defect type to be included in the tree
i_var_def_type = i_var.split("/")[0]
grl_0["add_info"][i_var] = []
grl_0["add_info"][i_var] = {}
var_to_store = set(var_to_store)
(n1, _) = create_ttree_from_qaqc(det, var_to_store, qaqc_input, dq_tag_0, True)
masks = {}
for quality in ("good", "poor", "bad", "discard"):
mask = np.ones(len(n1), dtype=bool)
for variable, (lower, upper) in grl_0["var_prop"][
mask = mask & (n1[variable] >= lower) & (n1[variable] <= upper)
if quality == "discard": # Discard is True when excluded
mask = ~mask
grl_0[quality]["run_list"] = n1.run[mask].values
grl_0[quality]["livetime_s"] = np.sum(n1.livetime_s[mask])
for variable in add_info:
grl_0["add_info"][variable] = dict(zip(n1.run, n1[variable]))
return grl_0